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Hainan company registration application conditions and requirements

Release time: 2020-09-18 Source: admin Number of views: 301

Hainan added 24 new market players in 2019.440,000 households, an increase of 70 percent year-on-year.82%, an average increase of 670 households per day。

The Regulations on the Administration of Commercial Registration in China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone was officially implemented on January 1, 2019, achieving institutional innovation in five aspects, including the "provincial general Office" of commercial registration;Simultaneously launch the "Hainan E-registration" platform, and register market entities through "Hainan E-Registration" 24.340,000 households, independent audit pass rate of 84.2%;Reduce start-up time to 3 days;The publicity period of simple cancellation reform has been reduced from 45 days to 7 days, six measures have been introduced to facilitate the reform of cancellation, to realize the cancellation of "one network service" for commercial subjects, to solve the problem of "easy entry and difficult exit", and the number of simple cancellation cases in 2019 is 21 of the sum of the past three years.89 times;Measures to facilitate foreign investment were introduced。

Hainan's continuously optimized business environment has also attracted domestic and foreign investors, and here are the requirements for registered Hainan companies。

Now the establishment of a company in Hainan is through online application, submitted materials after approval to the market supervision Administration of the jurisdiction to obtain a license。For general enterprises only need to provide an address when setting up (there is a specific house number), do not need to provide property rights proof of rental contracts, but there are also individual industries are required, such as:

1, registered Hainan Haikou Jiangdong New Area Guilin Yangpian area company address requirements: because the current Guilin Yangpian area is within the planning and development area, so the registration of the company needs to provide rental contract and property rights certificate。

2, registered Hainan labor service company address requirements: if the company wants to handle the human resources business license, the office address requires more than 70-80 square meters of actual office space, staff to door-to-door verification。

3, registered Hainan Institute of address requirements: registered address more than 500 square meters。

4, for the registered company to apply for large invoices after the enterprise must have the actual office address, because the tax collector to check。

Note: the maintenance of the address after the registration of the company is essential, the industrial and commercial department will spot check the address of the enterprise every year and verify whether it is a real office place, if it does not meet the requirements, it will be included in the industrial and commercial anomaly, follow-up processing is very troublesome, so we must pay attention to。

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